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38 Basement Waterproofing Leads In 30 Days With Google Ads

by | Jan 25, 2024

In this post, I am excited to show you how we generated 38 leads for a basement waterproofing contractor in Ohio in July. Get ready to learn all about this amazing campaign!

Campaign Metrics

This campaign runs from Monday to Saturday with a daily budget of $300. The client operates in the fiercely competitive niche of basement waterproofing and knows that competitors in their area spend considerable amounts for quality leads. Fortunately, our client’s budget has enabled us to stay competitive and get some great results.

In July, we managed to get almost 3,000 impressions on our ads with a search impression share of 47%. Out of those impressions we received 148 clicks at a click-through-rate (CTR) of 5%. Finally, the average cost-per-click (CPC) was around $53. This is an extremely high CPC for any home service niche BUT if you can convert clicks into leads with solid conversion rate optimization it’s not as daunting as it looks.

Conversions & Cost-Per-Lead

Using our tried and tested landing page design for basement waterproofing we were able to achieve a conversion rate of 26%. That means 148 clicks turned into 38 leads. Over July, the client spent $7,795.49 which resulted in a cost-per-lead of $205. This is an excellent result in a hyper-competitive niche.

Ad Groups & Keywords

After analyzing our campaign performance, we found that these two ad groups were the top performers:

  • Waterproofing Company
  • Basement Waterproofing

We faced some difficulties with the “Basement Egress Windows” group in July. However, we were able to improve it in August, achieving a conversion rate of over 20% and reducing the cost per lead to about $100.

Conversion Actions & Leads

This campaign generated a total of 34 calls. 24 calls came from the phone number on the landing page and 10 calls came from the call extension in the ad. This indicates that live phone calls were the most preferred method of communication for our audience. 

Apart from phone calls, our campaign also received 8 conversions from users who preferred filling out contact forms. Due to privacy concerns, we cannot disclose the specific details of these conversions. However, the leads mainly reported issues related to water in their basements, cracks in walls, sagging floors, and mold problems. As a result, they requested quotes for basement waterproofing services.

This comes to a total of 42 leads, the additional 4 came from a branded search campaign.


If you are a basement waterproofing contractor or a foundation repair contractor, we can replicate this Google Ad campaign for you and get you started within 24 hours. If you are an agency that needs white label ppc services we can also help with that. Visit our contact page to get in touch. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

thomas eder headshot

Thomas Eder

Google Ads Expert

Helping service-based businesses generate more leads for less with Google Ads

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