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37 Asphalt Paving & Sealcoating Leads In 30 Days With Google PPC Ads

by | Mar 12, 2024

Are you a contractor specializing in asphalt paving or seal coating and looking for ways to get more leads and customers? In this blog post, I will show you how a brand new asphalt paving and seal coating Google Ad campaign generated 37 leads in just 30 days for a client located on the West Coast. So let’s dive in and take a look at the results.

Campaign Metrics

The Google Ad campaign began with a daily budget of $50, running from Monday to Friday. With approximately 21 working days in a month that puts their total monthly budget at approximately $1,050/month. This budget is on the smaller side for the asphalt paving industry but as you’ll see we were still able to compete.

Throughout the 30 days, the campaign received nearly 3,000 impressions and had an impression share of 34%. This indicates that there is significant room for growth with this campaign if the client decides to increase their ad spend. The click-through (CTR) rate was 4.16%, resulting in 127 clicks at a cost-per-click (CPC) of $8.70. 

Although 31 conversions were initially reported, upon closer inspection we found a total of 37 leads. There was an issue with the conversion tracking at the outset of the campaign that was quickly rectified. In the end, we were able to achieve a cost-per-conversion or cost-per-lead (CPL) of $35.75 and a conversion rate of almost 25%. 

It’s not difficult to achieve campaign performance like this early on if you are working with proven landing page designs and a comprehensive negative keyword list.

Campaign Conversions

This Google Ad campaign produced a combination of lead form and phone call leads. The campaign was able to generate a total of 17 calls directly from the landing page, as well as eight additional calls from call extensions. We also had six leads coke through the lead form on the landing page. This shows how important it can be to give the prospect options to get in touch with the client. Some people prefer to call and others prefer to request a call back.

This campaign produced a combination of residential and commercial asphalt paving and sealcoating leads. Homeowners, HOAs, churches, and commercial property managers, were interested in asphalt paving and seal coating services.

Next Steps

I hope this quick case study was helpful, and if you’re considering investing in Google Ads management don’t hesitate to reach out for a quick consultation. With our strategy, you can start seeing leads within 24 to 48 hours allowing you to recover your initial investment much faster than other forms of marketing.

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